Thursday, August 12, 2010

Desire to be changed

It's unreal to me that I have been home for just over a month. It was so good to be in Africa. God truly blessed our team- we instantly fell in love with each other. As I have tried to process what I learned and saw there, I have come up with a few things....

*I learned what true joy and contentment in the Lord looks like.
*I saw how much I have, and don't actually need
*I realized how selfish I am, and how I base my joy on instant gratification
*It became clear how I try to substitute this world for Jesus

I wish that I could say my actions have magically changed since being home. Sadly, I feel that I have been consumed by the world more. For instance, I want Starbucks, McDonalds coke, date nights, new dresses, new decorations for our apartment, more organizational tools for our place, and a better washer/dryer, a huge tub, etc...

Then I was just sitting in our living room, looking around, and remembering Africa. Communities of people with so little yet so much joy. I felt guilty for craving the world and material things and things that would bring me temporary joy... There is nothing wrong with going and getting a fun drink or buying a pretty outfit to go on a date with my husband. BUT, I do think I am wrong in trying to find my contentment in those things, and those things alone.

I think this will be a long process, it will take a lot for me to change. My prayer is that as I seek the Lord more, he changes my heart. I don't want those two weeks to have a small imprint on my heart, I want them to forever etched in my mind and on my heart to the point where they call me to action. I would love for God to show me a way that I can still be involved with Africa, bringing glory to Him, and helping rescue those kids from the dumps.

If any of you feel called to help, there is some ways as of now...

**GO!!! Visiting Orphans (and other organizations) are constantly going overseas. If you feel called, go! I promise, you will not regret it. Those kids and people will capture your heart, and you will feel more blessed and loved than ever before. By tangibly loving on them, it will impact them forever, they won't forget you.

**Sponsor a kid to go to school...
--> Project 61- sending a child from the dumps to boarding school. For only $750 (I know that's a lot, but not compared to the cost of their life for a year), you can send them to boarding school, give them a bed to sleep on (Most have never had that), 3 meals a day, clothes, and education. This is a commitment usually for longer than a year...

If either of these opportunities interests you, I would love to talk to you about it. I know we have all seen commercials for sponsoring kids, but I promise you this is legit. All money raised goes straight to the organization. It's an incredible organization.

1 Samuel 2:7-8
"The Lord makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others up. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's, and he has set the world in order."

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